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Hailing from the midwest, I spent a decade working as a software engineer building things from custom automotive hardware and firmware to full-stack software and educational efforts such as the Stripe Partner Program.

I then took a slight detour and completed two graduate degrees simultaneously before going back to my software engineering roots and founding a SaaS startup for sports bettors.


Founder & CEO btrbet, Inc.
(2023-02 - Present)
Building professional tools for professional gamblers, including bet sizing, bet tracking, and bet analysis tools as well as tools to help gamblers find contests and situations with an outsized edge.

Village Council Member Village of Carey, Ohio
(2019-08 - 2023-12)
Serve as an elected official in the legislative body of Carey, Ohio. Work with citizens and businesses to improve the quality of life of everyone in Carey, Ohio and the surrounding area.

Developer Advocate Contractor Render
(2022-06 - 2022-12)
Create and maintain developer education and enablement material. Work with product engineering teams to develop user-facing documentation and educational content. Create marketing collateral for marketing Render's platform-as-a-service to technical audiences.

Product Development Manager Amount
(2021-02 - 2021-04)
Created and maintained developer education and enablement material. Created curricula for each product, coordinating efforts with internal and external stakeholders across go-to-market, sales, and engineering organizations.

Partner Marketing Engineer Stripe
(2018-02 - 2021-02)
Scope, build, and execute the Stripe Partner Program which directly influences 40\% of Stripe's processing volume. Design and run co-marketing campaigns with partners. Evolve the Stripe product suite to better suite a partner journey as partners use and grow with Stripe.

Developer Support Engineer Stripe
(2016-04 - 2018-02)
Create and maintain Stripe's API reference and documentation. Provide implementation advice to new and existing users on how to build their products on top of Stripe. Work with partners to certify EMV solutions. Debug and bugfix inside the Stripe API as users report errors.

Co-founder & CTO Bareo
(2014-10 - 2017-12)
Developed an inventory tracking, prediction/forecasting, and analysis platform. Produced an iOS app, web app, and REST API.

Programming Instructor Saint Francis of Assisi School of Ann Arbor
(2015-01 - 2016-05)
Developed a computer programming curriculum for middle school students (12-15 years old) and teach a programming class which follows that curriculum.

Firmware Engineer Contractor AMF-Nano
(2014-03 - 2014-10)
Developed firmware and hardware for a variety of environmental monitoring and control projects. Some examples include landfill gas monitoring, livestock barn control, greenhouse control, and HVAC controls. Also responsible for developing web-based control systems.

Embedded Systems Contractor IOSiX LLC
(2013-10 - 2014-03)
Developed embedded firmware for a variety of PIC32 based automotive data loggers. Created C libraries for various automotive protocols, and cleaned up the legacy codebase. Developed web-based data visualization tools for the collected data.

Software Engineer Barracuda Networks
(2012-05 - 2013-10)
Created a web-app and web API for a file syncing and sharing application.

Founder Agroprobe LLC
(2012-07 - 2015-10)
Created mesh-networked agronomic monitoring devices and a related web-app and analytics suite.

Software Engineer & Front-End Evangelist LectureTools
(2011-01 - 2012-05) (Acquired by Echo360 2012-11)
Web developer for a web-based lecturing platform with real-time analytics.

Co-Founder & CTO Su Cara LLC
(2010-12 - 2011-12)
Created a social platform for gamification of manners and etiquette.

App Developer Mobile Sign Language Systems LLC
(2010-08 - 2011-02)
Developed a mobile application for parsing American Sign Language into text using the built-in camera on an iPhone.

iOS Developer Saagara LLC
(2010-08 - 2011-01)
iOS development of digital health and wellness apps.